Saturday, 16 September 2017

Songs I'm ALWAYS Playing

Hey guys! I hope you liked my last post, It really helped me writing about it and I hoped it also helped you if you are going through the same thing! I also want to apologise for this post being late, but I have just started college and have been quite busy so haven't had the time to write it, but I hope to get in a routine soon so that I don't have anymore late posts going up!

We all have those favourite songs, which we always want to play because we love them so much. I have a few which I want to share with you. They are all very different, which is why I love listening to them!

1. There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back - Shawn Mendes

This has probably been my most played song since it came out in April. I just love how it is very different to the rest of his songs and is so catching that I am always singing it! I am so excited for his third album.

Sunday, 3 September 2017

Making Friends With Strangers...?

Hey! I am currently reading Girl Online, which has given me inspiration to write this post. The book is full of relatable topics, which Penny (The main character) writes about through her blog. This made me want to write about a relatable topic, which I think pretty much everyone has had to face, through my blog.

I don't really mention to people if I am stressed or worried as I feel like if I did I am just passing my problems onto them. That is why I want to blog about it. I may feel better writing about it (even if no one is reading) then storing all of it inside.

I left school last year and have been enrolled on a course in college. This meant making new friends, however, my best friend also enrolled on this course, which meant that I wasn't alone so I didn't make the effort of talking to new people. This was something I regretted as it meant I only had one real friend on the course.

What also didn't help was that we were the only girls on the course. Im not saying that I can't be friends with boys or anything, but it made me feel quite isolated from the rest of the class as they would have conversations about things that wouldn't interest me, or wouldn't exactly make the effort to include us into their conversation. After having a few months of this, we ended up just sticking to ourselves, which wasn't bad, but it meant that I made no new friends.

My First Gym Experience


I know it's been a couple of weeks since I have last posted, but I've been a little stuck on what to write. Most bloggers will come across this, especially new ones like myself who don't really fit into the world of blogging yet. These last few weeks I have struggled to pick up my laptop and concentrate on writing a post which I am passionate about and which I think you may enjoy reading.

However, I am back now and ready to write!

About 2 to 3 weeks ago I went to my local leisure centre and went to the gym for the first time.  I've been in a gym before and used certain equipment in school but not voluntarily. I know a lot of people already go to the gym but I've always been to sacred or nervous to actual get a membership and go. But thinking back, I am glad I went through with it.

I wanted to write a post on my experience with going to the gym, to encourage people who are not sure to go for it. Of course I have only been going for a few weeks so am not an expert with this sort of thing but I want to share how I felt about going in the beginning and what I experienced, of course everyone's will be different but it may inspire you to go.

Friday, 1 September 2017

My Favourite Books

Hey guys!

So lately I have really been enjoying reading! Ive always liked to read but I have times where I always have a book in my hand. I just love picking up a book and getting lost in it for hours on end. I have read so many different books that I've decided to recommend to you my favourites.

For me personally, to get in to a book I have to read at least one chapter before putting it down, otherwise I end up not picking it up again. This may be different for you but I have to stick at it for a bit before I know if I like it or not. Don't give up on something until you know you have given it your all.