Friday, 28 July 2017

Top 5 Items On My Bucket List

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed reading my last post - "Inhale Courage...Exhale Fear" - I really enjoyed writing it as it is on a more personal level compared to my other posts that I have done.

I also want to apologies for not posting last week! I was quite busy and didn't want to rush to have a post up and not feel like it was well written or up to my standards. I also didn't want to randomly upload in the week so that is why I've waited till today to upload one!

So the majority of people have a bucket list, full of things which they would like to do in their lifetime, me included! I love knowing what cool or exciting things people want to do or accomplish, so I've decided to write a post on 5 of the things I have on my list. I won't be mentioning them all, otherwise I will be here for a long time and you would probably never get through the whole post!

Saturday, 15 July 2017

"Inhale Courage...Exhale Fear"

Hey guys! I wanted to talk about something more personal in todays post. It is something we can all relate to in some way...Fears!

Some people may not have many fears or they are little things, but we all have them. I personally have many fears which some of you may not understand and vice versa but a lot of them are something we just have to deal with a lot in life.

It could be spiders, heights or even the dark, but we are all afraid of something, even if we don't shout it so everyone knows.

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Liebster Award - Discover New Blogs

Hey guys! This post is a little different to my other ones. I will be answering 11 question written by Annie at AnnieChanieBlog. She nominated me to take part in this tag, which I am very grateful for! This tag focuses on smaller/new bloggers which I think is an amazing idea as it brings bloggers together!

Friday, 7 July 2017

My Skin Care Routine

Hey Guys! Before I start the post I just want to say a late Happy 4th of July for all my American readers or anyone who celebrates it!

In todays post, i've decided to do a skin care routine as I love reading peoples blogs and watching videos on YouTube of their routine.

My skin is normal to combination and i've struggled to find products that my skin will benefit from using. But I've finally found ones that actually help and make a difference when I use them. However, I still get spots but they are more based on that I am a teenager, which I am guessing every teenager will understand the struggle of.